This tutorial is written in PSP x8
Beatrice Gulino
Flaming Pear
Alien Skin Eye Candy : 5 Impact
Thank you very much for the translation
Thank you very much for the translation
Thank you very much for the translation
Danke für die Deutsch Übersetzung Kniri
Download Link
Choose a light and a dark color from your tube
Properties Foreground; set your Foreground color to #cf015b
Properties Background; set your Background color to #ffffff
Properties foreground: Make a foreground- background Gradient of these two colors
Note: When working with your own colors, play with the Blend Mode and/or Opacity at your own discretion
File / New - Open 950 x 600 Transparent Image
Flood fill - Fill With your Gradient
Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur
Layers - Duplicate
Not:Copy Of raster 1 Eye closed / Raster 1,let's continue
Effects - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
Not:Let us open the eyes and continue from there ( Copy of Raster 1 )
Image - Resize
Image - Free Rotate
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur
Effects - Flaming Pearl - Flexify 2_Flexify_1
Layers - Duplicate
Image - Resize
Effects - Flaming Pearl - Flexify 2_Flexify_2
Layers - Duplicate
Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal
Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertikal
Laters - Merge - Merge Down
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
Effects - Penta Com - Dot and Cross ( same setting )
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
Layers - Arrange - Move Down
Click Top Layer
Effects - Image Effects - Seamles Tiling
Effects - Reflection Effects - Rotating Mirror
Selections - Select All - Invert
Press the Delete Key on the keyboard
Selections - Select None
Effects - AP Lines - Lines Silveninin
Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow
Layers – New Laster Layer
Flood fill - Fill With your Foreground color #FFFFFF
Open – @nn_061012_mask_184_tdstudio - Mask
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image – @nn_061012_mask_184_tdstudio
Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal
Alien Skin Eye Candy : 5 Impact - Hy_Cadyna_Shadow
Layers – New Laster Layer
Flood fill - Fill With your Gradient
Open – Hy_Mask - Hy_Cadyna
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image – Hy_Cadyna
Alien Skin Eye Candy : 5 Impact - Hy_Cadyna_Shadow_1
Open – Hy_Tube - Tubed by Maryse
Edit / Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal
Image - Resize 55%
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Press K on your keyboard to activate the Pick Tool
40-Enter these parameters for the ( Positions X 621,00 ) and ( Positions Y 194,00 ) Positions on the Toolbar
Hit any key on your keyboard to close the Pick Tool
Effects - Flaming Pearl - Flood
Layers - Arrange - Move Down
Click Top Layer
Open – Hy_Deko - Hy_Cadyna_Deko
Edit / Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Open – Hy_Deko - Hy_Cadyna_Deko_1
Edit / Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Press K on your keyboard to activate the Pick Tool
40-Enter these parameters for the ( Positions X 716,00 ) and ( Positions Y 22,00 ) Positions on the Toolbar
Hit any key on your keyboard to close the Pick Tool
Layers - Arrange - Move Down ( 2+Times )
Click Top Layer
Open – Hy_Deko - Hy_Cadyna_Deko_2
Edit / Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Press K on your keyboard to activate the Pick Tool
40-Enter these parameters for the ( Positions X 0,00 ) and ( Positions Y 0,00 ) Positions on the Toolbar
Hit any key on your keyboard to close the Pick Tool
Open – Hy_Deko - Hy_Cadyna_Deko_3
Edit / Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Press K on your keyboard to activate the Pick Tool
40-Enter these parameters for the ( Positions X 1,00 ) and ( Positions Y 18,00 ) Positions on the Toolbar
Hit any key on your keyboard to close the Pick Tool
Open – Hy_Deko - Hy_Cadyna_Deko_4
Edit / Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Press K on your keyboard to activate the Pick Tool
40-Enter these parameters for the ( Positions X 2,00 ) and ( Positions Y 10,00 ) Positions on the Toolbar
Hit any key on your keyboard to close the Pick Tool
Open – Hy_Deko - Hy_Cadyna_Deko_5
Edit / Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Press K on your keyboard to activate the Pick Tool
40-Enter these parameters for the ( Positions X 63,00 ) and ( Positions Y 0,00 ) Positions on the Toolbar
Hit any key on your keyboard to close the Pick Tool
Open – Hy_Tube - _Color_Hair_GB_13_Trasparent
Edit / Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal
Press K on your keyboard to activate the Pick Tool
40-Enter these parameters for the ( Positions X 106,00 ) and ( Positions Y -15,00 ) Positions on the Toolbar
Alien Skin Eye Candy : 5 Impact - Hy_Cadyna_Shadow
Open – Hy_Deko - Hy_Cadyna_Text
Edit / Copy
activate your work
Edit / Paste As New Layer
Press K on your keyboard to activate the Pick Tool
40-Enter these parameters for the ( Positions X 53,00 ) and ( Positions Y 69,00 ) Positions on the Toolbar
Hit any key on your keyboard to close the Pick Tool
PspScript Use ready-made Script for the framework
Put Your Watermarkt
Image – Resize 950
Thank you very much to everyone for these nice versions
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