This tutorial is written in PSP x8
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Thank you very much for the translation
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Mehdi – Sorting Tiless
Ap Lines - Lines silverlining
Choose a light and a dark color from your tube
Properties Foreground; set your Foreground color to #906512
Properties Background; set your Background color to #180600
Properties foreground: Make a foreground- background Gradient of these two colors
Note: When working with your own colors, play with the Blend Mode and/or Opacity at your own discretion
File / New - Open 900 x 500 Transparent Image
Flood fill - Fill With your Gradient
Effects - Edge Effects - EnhanceLayers - Duplicate
Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal
Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave
Selections - Load/Save Selections - Load Selection From Disk – Hy-Astrid-Sell
Effects - Ap Lines - Lines silverlining
Selections - select None
Layers – New Raster Layer
Effects - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles
Effects - Image - Effects - Seamless Tiling
Layer Palette - Blend Mode ( Luminance Legacy )
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-1
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-2
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer

Layer Palette - Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to "Overlay"
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-4
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-6
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer

Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-7
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer

Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-8
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer

Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Text-1
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer

Layers - Arrange - Move Down
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Open – Hy-Tube - Babette
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer

Layers - Load/Save mask - Load mask From Disk 12020
Layers - Merge - Merge All ( Flatten )
Edit - Copy
Open – Hy-Tube - Hy-Astrid-Frame
Edit - Paste into selections
Selections - Select None
Put Your Watermarkt
Image - Resize 900
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