15 Aralık 2021 Çarşamba

Welcome 2022 Tutorial

This tutorial is written in PSP x8 

 Thank you very much for the translation


Thank you very much for the translation
Thank you very much for the translation
Gracias por la traducción al español 

 Alien Skin Eye Candy : 5 Impact  

Download Link

Choose a light and a dark color from your tube 
Properties Foreground; set your Foreground color to  #FFFFFF
Properties Background; set your Background color to #d7adbb
Properties foreground: Make a foreground- background Gradient of these two colors Note: When working with your own colors, play with the Blend Mode and/or Opacity at your own discretion 
NOTE:You can change it as in the example for different color work.
Adjust - Hue And Saturation 
Hue Saturation/Lightness

File / New - Open 900 x 550 Transparent  Image 

Selections - Select All

Open – Hy-Image Backgraund - Hy_Welcome2022_Backgraund

Edit / Copy

Activate your work

Edit - Paste into selections

Selections - Select None

Layers – New Raster Layer

Flood fill - Fill With your Foreground color #FFFFFF
Open - Hy Mask - Hüzünlüyıllar_mask_1
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image – Hüzünlüyıllar_mask_1
Layers - Duplicate
Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Layers – New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selections - Load Selection From Disk – Hy_Welcome2022_sell

Flood fill - Fill With your Gradient Corel_06_028 Fading white

Selections - Select None

Layers – New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selections - Load Selection From Disk – Hy_Welcome2022_sell_1

Flood fill - Fill With your Gradient Corel_06_028 Fading white

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow

Selections - Select None
Layers – New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selections - Load Selection From Disk – Hy_Welcome2022_sell_2

Flood fill - Fill With your Gradient Corel_06_028 Fading white

Selections - Select None

Flood fill - Fill With your Background color #FFFFFF

Layers – New Raster Layer

Activate the Brush Tool - Paint Brush - Hy-Tree-Brush

Flood fill - Fill With your Foreground color #FFFFFF

Layers – New Raster Layer

Activate the Brush Tool - Paint Brush - Hy-Cloudy-Brush

Open – Hy- Tube - Hy_Tree
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy- Tube - sapins-coly
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy- Deko - Hy_Welcome2022_Deko
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
place as in the picture
Open – Hy- Tube - yp_tatty_teddy_christmas_carol
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer

Image –Resize-By Percentage 50 (Resize all layer not chaked)

Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy- Tube - snowman-christmas
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy- Text - Hy_Welcome2022_Text
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy- Text - Hy_Welcome2022_Text_1
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy- Deko - Hy_Welcome2022_star
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Layers – New Raster Layer
Effects - Vanderlee - Snowflakes v1

Open – Hy- Deko - Hy_Welcome2022_gift box
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Edit - Copy Special - Copy Merged
Open - Hy_Tube - Hy_Welcome2022_Frame02
Edit - Paste Into Selection
Selections - Select None
Put Your Watermarkt
Image - Resize 900

Thank you very much Aynur for the test.

Thank you very much to everyone for these nice versions

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