23 Temmuz 2021 Cuma

Astrid Tutorial

This tutorial is written in PSP x8 
Thank you very much for the translation
Thank you very much for the translation
Thank you very much for the translation
Gracias por la traducción al español Tati Design
Mehdi – Sorting Tiless
Ap Lines - Lines silverlining

Choose a light and a dark color from your tube 
Properties Foreground; set your Foreground color to  #906512
Properties Background; set your Background color to  #180600
Properties foreground: Make a foreground- background Gradient of these two colors
Note: When working with your own colors, play with the Blend Mode and/or Opacity at your own discretion 
File / New - Open 900 x 500 Transparent  Image
Flood fill - Fill With your Gradient
Effects - Image - Effects - Seamless Tiling
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
Layers - Duplicate 
Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal
Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave
Layer Palette - Opacity 81
Selections - Load/Save Selections - Load Selection From Disk – Hy-Astrid-Sell
Effects - Ap Lines - Lines silverlining
Selections - select None
Layers – New Raster Layer
Flood fill - Fill With your Gradient
Layers - Load/Save mask - Load mask From Disk 12020
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Effects - Mehdi - Sorting Tiles
Effects - Image - Effects - Seamless Tiling
Layer Palette - Blend Mode  ( Luminance Legacy )
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-1
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-2
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Layer Palette - Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to "Overlay"
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-3
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-4
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Text
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-5
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-6
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-7
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Deko-8
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Open – Hy-Deko - Hy-Astrid-Text-1
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Layers - Arrange - Move Down
Layers - Merge - Merge Visible
Open – Hy-Tube - Babette
Edit / Copy
Activate your work
Edit / Paste as New Layer
Activate Pick Tool  and place it like this
Layers - Load/Save mask - Load mask From Disk 12020
Layers - Merge - Merge Group
Layers - Merge - Merge All ( Flatten )
Edit - Copy
Open – Hy-Tube - Hy-Astrid-Frame

Edit - Paste into selections

Selections - Select None

Put Your Watermarkt

Image - Resize 900

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